Are you having Suboxone Side Effects? Call Dr. Leeds for a consultation to see what you can do about side effects caused by Suboxone therapy.
Fort Lauderdale, FL – USA | October 14, 2021 –[Press Release Wire]– Suboxone, a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, is a highly effective treatment for opiate addiction. Buprenorphine works on the opioid receptor as both an opioid antagonist and a partial opioid agonist.
Ideally, when a patient attends a Suboxone clinic, they are able to start Suboxone for opioid addiction treatment without any problems. Suboxone treatment works well, stopping opioid withdrawal symptoms and preventing opioid drug cravings.
However, some opioid dependence patients do experience Suboxone side effects. Unfortunately, many doctors are unprepared to help patients with the possible side effects of taking Suboxone.
What are some of the more common negative side effects of Suboxone?
While most patients do not experience any short term negative Suboxone effects, many do experience one or more side effects. To start, there is buprenorphine headache, buprenorphine nausea, buprenorphine weight gain, and buprenorphine constipation. Suboxone dry mouth is also an issue for some patients.
Some patients complain that Suboxone makes it so they can’t pee, and others complain that it keeps them awake at night with insomnia. Urinary hesitancy as well as Suboxone and sweating may be the most under-reported side effects.
In rare cases, a patient may experience Suboxone dizziness or Suboxone nausea and vomiting. These side effects are rare and should be addressed immediately.
Are there long term-effects of Suboxone use?
Fortunately, buprenorphine/naloxone, most often prescribed in the form of the Suboxone Sublingual Film, does not cause serious long-term effects. Many patients are able to tolerate the medication long-term.
Reports about Suboxone addiction, Suboxone overdose, and Suboxone abuse are often sensationalized by the media, but are not real concerns. Unfortunately, these Suboxone myths persist, slowing down the overall adoption of medication assisted treatment.
The side effects of taking Suboxone can be treated by an experienced concierge Suboxone doctor. Often, patients can discuss symptoms of taking Suboxone during a telemedicine visit.
When the doctor listens to what you have to say and takes the time to allow you to provide all the details surrounding your Suboxone negative side effects, it will be easier to find a solution that works for you. Unfortunately, the staff at many Suboxone detox facilities do not take the time to listen.
If you are going to a behavioral therapy program that provides Suboxone, yet they do not take your side effects seriously, you may want to consider a consultation with Dr. Leeds.
Dr. Leeds can help with issues such as Suboxone weight gain, Suboxone and constipation, Suboxone headache, and more. The symptoms of taking Suboxone must be taken seriously. If you are having Suboxone constipation or Suboxone headache, you are going to want to speak to a doctor who cares and who knows how to help.
In addition to helping with early treatment side effects, Dr. Leeds can also help with Suboxone withdrawal symptoms. Patients who are completing treatment will often complain of the side effects of Suboxone withdrawal.
It is possible to complete Suboxone treatment without having to suffer with severe withdrawal symptoms. Having the support of a knowledgeable doctor is critical in overcoming the issue of Suboxone and physical dependence.
If you have concerns about the short term and the long term effects of Suboxone, call Dr. Leeds for a consultation to get started. Buprenorphine long term side effects are concerning, but do not necessarily mean that you will have to stop treatment. Speak to Dr. Leeds about the long term effects of buprenorphine treatment and the short term side effects to see how he can help to make your treatment more tolerable and more successful.
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Press & Media Contact:
Mark Leeds, D.O.
Dr. Leeds
3290 NE 33rd Street,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
United States
+1 954-776-6226
Dr. Leeds Now Provides Suboxone Side Effects Management