• Be onboard a WWII submarine when, all of sudden, they spot a torpedo heading directly for them.
• Be onboard a missile carrying nuclear submarine when they get the order to go to Battle Stations Missile. What goes through their mind – is their world about to end as they know it?
• Be with a Captain of a nuclear submarine as he prepares for an important mission. What are his thoughts about his men and their ability to carry out the mission? What does he worry about?
• What kind of pranks could the crew play with EB Green duct tape? How did it help keep submarines on station during the Cold War?
Nashua, NH, USA | April 19, 2023 — These and many more true memories are the genesis of The Silent Service Remembers (Vol. 3). This book continues the series of 7 books by the authors of “Poopie Suits and Cowboy Boots”, each with true stories from the US Submarine Force of how it really was. Written by two dozen submarine veterans, each unique narrative puts you there. Aided by the vintage photos, diagrams, and documents – you are there. You feel the tension waiting for the next depth charge to hit. You are awakened from sleep to the gong of the Collision Alarm. You grouch at the cook along with your shipmates.

You will learn much about the inner workings of the US Submarine Force through the eyes of many of the crew – from officer to enlisted, from senior warriors to newbies, you all shared a common bond – submerging in a sea that is trying to invade your space and kill you. There is no relief from this reality 24×7, for as many days as you are on patrol. Added to that constant threat of enemies that were lurking in the sea . What would have happened had a real engagement occurred? The threat was very common during the Cold War and forms the basis of many of the stories.
If you ever wondered what it was really like, then this book is for you.
Along with books one and two of this series, the trilogy offers an unparalleled depth of insight regarding the fascinating experiences of an elite corps of servicemen who volunteered to serve aboard submarines. Taken together, the three volumes comprise the writings of more than 75 submarine veterans, hundreds of illustrations, and nearly 700,000 words.
This is the kind of book that you can pick up to any chapter, short or long, and immerse yourself in the moment. Some of the tales will make you laugh out loud; others will give you pause. All are entertaining. This series is unique and historical at the same time, preserving history for future generations.
You can easily order from Amazon: http://tiny.cc/ql16vz
Special Note:
April 10th, 2023, is the 60th anniversary of the loss of the USS Thresher (SSN 593) and the 129 men aboard her. That tragedy was the single greatest loss of life in the history of the US Submarine Force, and a date that we should never forget. As submariners murmur respectfully during such times, “Sailors, rest your oars. Your brothers have the watch.” Rest in Peace.
You can see all our books with true stories from the US Submarine Force here: https://www.subtales.com
Press & Media Contact:
Frank Hood, US Navy Submarine Veteran
Poopie Suits Series
5 Kessler Farm Dr, Apt 165
Nashua, NH – USA
+1 603-557-8329