Who do depressed doctors call when they have suicidal thoughts? Can healthcare workers call the national suicide prevention lifeline? When doctors share their problems and personal information with colleagues, they risk discipline from the board.
Eugene, OR, USA | October 18, 2022 –[Press Release Wire]– Who works with healthcare professionals to talk them off the ledge of suicidal thinking and self-harm? Dr. Pamela Wible has been there for depressed doctors for the past ten years, listening to the stories of sad doctors and how they have been abused by an uncaring healthcare system.
Doctor suicide is a serious problem. Healthcare workers have a much higher suicide risk compared to the general population, yet, they rarely ask for help.
The problem starts in medical school where medical students are victims of emotional abuse by professors and attending physicians. For a doctor, the seeds of depression and suicidal ideation are planted long before they reach the dreaded stage of physician burnout. While male physicians are particularly at risk, female doctors also have a much higher suicide rate than non-physicians.

Pamela Wible, M.D. has been working with suicidal doctors for a decade now, answering the phones around the clock. She hosts the only physician suicide hotline in the world. She gets calls from doctors contemplating suicide from around the world.
Doctors from as far away as India call Dr. Wible to share their stories. Suicide, somehow, seems to be a dignity act; the only respectable way to back out of what seems to be an impossible situation.
How does Dr. Wible help to save the life of a suicidal surgeon, a depressed emergency medicine doctor, or a family doctor, overwhelmed with anxiety? First, she validates the cause of what leads them to contemplate suicide.
The risk factors that lead a doctor to an attempted or completed suicide are due to human rights abuses inflicted by residency programs, hospital administrations, and large healthcare organizations. The solution is not learning to live with abuse, or using mindfulness resiliency training. The answer to preventing physician suicide is to leave the abuser.
While you might think that Dr. Wible is recommending that doctors leave the healthcare profession, the fact is that she is doing her part to save healthcare. She teaches physicians how to be happy doctors.
Doctors are able to overcome suicidal thoughts by dropping out of the big box clinic rat race and starting their own ideal clinics.
It is possible to be a doctor and not dread showing up to work at 8 AM. Doctors are healers, with the potential to help their patients to live better, happier lives. MDs and Osteopathic Physicians can become Happy MDs and Happy DOs, living the dream of becoming happy healthcare healers.
Congratulations, Dr. Pamela Wible, for your ten-year anniversary of running the world’s only doctor suicide hotline. Thank you for your service, 24/7, for depressed doctors and suicidal doctors looking for help.
For more information, visit https://www.idealmedicalcare.org/
Press & Media Contact:
Dr. Pamela Wible, M.D.
3575 Donald St #220
Eugene, OR 97405
United States